Sunday, October 7, 2007

Response to Twitchell and Sullivan

James B. Twitchell and Andrew Sullivan have strong arguments shown on their works which leads to prove what it's going on in the world today, especially in American Society. Twitchell's work demonstrates how materialism has taken over in American society and how it would keep on spreading throughout the world. An example he give us is as follow, "Navin's wife is distraught. She burst into tears. "I don't care about losing the money, it's losing all this stuff.". In the other hand, Andrew Sullivan in his work emphasizes the pursuit of happiness, which The Islamic society and the Muslim's don't want to look at it because they believe in their ways and no other way. I agreed with both of this authors because they show how Americans keep consuming no matter how much they spent, and they are more involve into spending money than thinking about other valuable things in life, such as love and happiness. As American society keeps spreading throughout the world, their materialistic ways are also spreading, and happiness in America is not about fulfilling their emotions and their families needs but more about fulfilling their materialistic wants. In this society, happiness will never be fulfilled, but pursuing that happiness is something that should be seek more often for. In my personal case, pursuing happiness is finishing college, getting somewhere in life, helping my family in Colombia and my parents and having a family in the future.

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