Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Sources for Thesis Paper


2. Ashes to Ashes by Richard Kluger (Book)

3. “The Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health 40 years later: still wandering in the desert.” By lancet , academic journal (article)…link-


5. “What fraction of young adults are at risk for future smoking, and who are they? By Gilpin, white and pierce”. Academic journal Link-

Monday, November 5, 2007

Final thesis statement

Final Thesis Statement: Public Cigarette smoking should become an illegal drug in the United States. It is an issue that has many different views. Even though many individuals smoke cigarettes to relief them from stress, for satisfaction, peer pressure and because it’s a necessity for them, we can all agree that it’s the leading cause of many kinds of cancers as well as the cause of other deaths. It’s a matter of ending public cigarette smoking and showing our future generations that it is just a sickness that overtime its death rate will increase if it’s no taking into account more severely. It’s amazing how Cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, car accidents, suicide, AIDS, homicide, and illegal drugs combined.